Thursday, August 24, 2017

Explaining 4 steps of Subversion

Why is everything so crazy now. It is the culmination of a four-step process that the Communist/ socialist used in subverting a nation and its population Soviet communists have used this process in a considerable number of countries spanning the globe. It is their standard process and as well documented.
 The first step is "demoralization," in which a nation's values, norms, and social structure will be stripped of meaning  With incessant drumbeat of education, music, Television and the entire spectrum of what constitutes the media.  Here our nation learns to hate itself, their values, their beliefs and everything that makes a society cohesive.
The second phase is "destabilization."This second stage is the process we have been going through for the past eight years with Obama and Hillary would have completed the process. The military would have been made impotent, and their leaders replaced by followers, the economy wrecked by over-borrowing and wasting the money. We have seen many types of different of economic destruction by Obama.
 Race relations have become dismal and violent since his administration is all done to stabilize the nation and needs to the next face crisis.
 The third step. This crisis phase is what is causing the world to seem so Helter Skelter. President Trump upended their plans by being elected, so they have to make their move now.  
Suddenly you see an all-out attack on Donald Trump. The media has turned itself into a propaganda machine with no thought of fairness.  Ruining their reputation in the process, They don't care as real leftists this is their moment, and they must make it count. This is why you see a sudden increase the monument destruction. The rise of the left-wing group anarcho-communist Antifa on the rise and it will soon be armed.   This will be used to take control of the reins of government. One simple method would be to declare Trump crazy and force him from office or straightforwardly kill him. This is why you are seeing media replaying the image of Trump being assassinated being presented so often in the media, to desensitize the population.
The fourth phase is called normalization.  Which most people would call brutal pacification, a more just term. And then we will have a thousand years of socialism stamped into our faces. If you doubt what I say isn't this exactly what's been going on?
 Here is a five minute Vid on ADD affected KGB agent 1985. Check it out you'll see what I mean!

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