Saturday, January 6, 2018

Deaths attributed to Communism

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Deaths attributed to Communism

The Black Book of Communism
Estimated number of victims
In the introduction, editor Stéphane Courtois states that "...Communist regimes... turned mass crime into a full-blown system of government."[3] He claims that a death toll totals 94 million.[4] The breakdown of the number of deaths given by Courtois is as follows:
• 65 million in the People's Republic of China
• 20 million in the Soviet Union
• 2 million in Cambodia
• 2 million in North Korea
• 1.7 million in Ethiopia
• 1.5 million in Afghanistan
• 1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
• 1 million in Vietnam
• 150,000 in Latin America, mainly Cuba
• 10,000 deaths "resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power."[4]
Courtois claims that Communist regimes are responsible for a greater number of deaths than any other political ideal or movement, including Nazism. The statistics of victims includes direct deaths through executions but as well as indirect deaths from famine, deportations, physical confinement, and forced labor.
The Progressive Democrats are communist; this is not your father's Democratic party.

It appears that the Democrats would like to have our elections handle like the election in communist China; no election no problem as long as they have the power. The resist movement is a prime example of the disgust for our right to elect our leaders. The communist Russian leader Nikta Khrushchev stated: "We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within."

It is apparent that the Democrats' the United States would be more like the People"s the Republic of China.

Communist North Korea is a society that would make a Democrat proud. Compared to South Korea, North Korea is a prison. Shooting citizens that try to escape to the "Communist Utopia".

The Soviet Union had to build a wall to keep the citizens in their country; had to use the military to ensure communism in the Baltic States.

Cuba had to confiscate the fishing boats to keep its "free" citizens from escaping to the US.

Cambodia's communist experiment with Pol Pot, the communist leader, was able to have the notorious Cambodia Genocide.

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