Sunday, March 28, 2021

You said," You haven’t been denied any human right because of your race. Please show me where that’s occurring in this country.


What you think you understand is incorrect. You have been told this.

Yes, a tripwire that was tripped by you accusing me in an ad hominem attack that accused me of wanting to start a race war and overthrow the government. So, yes you trip the wire when you make outrageous lies about me. Do you have a problem with that?

You get all this from me posting a famous saying.

Holy Cats Batman, are you outta your mind???

I'm not going to repeat my answer to your deliberate misunderstanding of what I said. You can review the previous post.

You said," You haven’t been denied any human right because of your race. Please show me where that’s occurring in this country.

The first you are very familiar with. Affirmative action was the first anti-white racist government directive. In this case people of one color were given preference over the other race.

Certain government contracts were set aside for POCs, that against whites who couldn't bid on a fair and equal basis.

It punished the working people of today for what others did a century and half ago and the only thing they share is skin color is patently racist.

Another is the social media censoring primarily of white conservative commentators and the censoring of a white conservative president of the United States. Free speech is a basic right. While anti-white Antifa and BLM (Bigoted Little Marxists) are allowed to organize riots where people arekilled, lives ruined and businesses looted and burned on the very same platforms.

Another example is the clearly racist of a large corporations, such as Coca Cola, Proctor and Gamble forcing their employees to to a racist course on being Less "White".

The course description made it clear that its goal was to guide people to be “less white” , help them “understand what it means to be white” and “challenge what it means to be racist

” .In one of the images you can read: “To be less white is: to be less oppressive, to be less arrogant, to be less trusting, to be less defensive, to be less ignorant, to be more humble, to listen, to believe. , break with apathy and break with white solidarity

Lets reverse this wording of White to Black and see if you would call this racist.

The course description made it clear that its goal was to guide people to be “less Black white” , help them “understand what it means to be Blackwhite” and “challenge what it means to be racist

In one of the images you can read: “To be less white Black is: to be less oppressive, to be less arrogant, to be less trusting, to be less defensive, to be less ignorant, to be more humble, to listen, to believe. , break with apathy and break with white Black solidarity

Big business is forcing thousands of employees into racist training to humiliate and denigrate them because of the color of their skin. That, fool is anti-white racism

While we are at it here is outrageous example of racism against poor "White" people.

Oakland, California, Mayor Libby Schaaf (D) announced a program that offers poor minority families $500 a month.

Poor white families are excluded for the sin of being white. However, illegal aliens qualify.

Here is how you qualify for Oakland’s no-questions-asked $500 a month:

You must have at least one child

Your income must be at or below 50 percent of Oakland’s median income

You must not be white

Must not be white. How is this discrimination against poor people, because of their race, who have nothing wrong, not morally evil?

So like the old southern rednecks you pretend (or not self aware enough) to see your racism. But to the rest of us its obvious, as I have shown and documented.

You said, "It’s also the propaganda that Nazis played up on Germans being the victims of the Jews.".

Exactly, this times the roles are reversed.

The "they" I refer to is not amorphous in the least.

It is the forces of the Communist/Socialist psychological war that has been going on for decades.

There is a famous video taken in 1985 of Yuri Bezmenov, a defected Soviet agent.. In this 8 minute video. You will see what I say is correct. That is if you really want to know what's behind my fears this encapsulates it.

I remember when Yuri first defected, I was at college, into the US.

The information I operate from was gained a long time before the internet ever existed. I have watched the progress of Communism in this country since the fifties.

I know how these guys work. I have fought them directly. Many countries have fallen. We' re not immune.

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