Monday, February 26, 2018

These people are the insiders of the Deep state.

Do you realize we had Comey Brennan and Clapper? Head of the FBI
the CIA and the DNI And many of their subordinates apparently seem to be traitors seem to America, to our nation. This is the danger of power at the top these guys want to run things, and they are attempting
a coup. These people are the insiders of the Deep state.
It's weird you read and novels about these kinds of characters in fiction tales and here they are. Evil queen Hillary, evil wizards
Brenner Clapper and Comey, dealing and black magic and sorcery.
You have the useful idiots simply followers that are only used until
they are no longer needed and then disposed of, sometimes
permanently. Can you say Seth rich?
You have the old man fuddy-duddy Mr. Magoo doesn't quite
seem to get it and Sessions.  you have the evil knights in
Mueller, Rothstein and

It's amazing I don't think many people actually realize we're going
through a coup now. Not in the future not the past but right at this
moment. Obama and Hillary Clinton Clinton are trying to rest the
power of the government from a duly elected president and keep
and Obama keep his promise the fundamentally changing
America... to Socialist/ Communism

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