Sunday, August 5, 2018

Obama is a Commie

Concerning that he was a Commie Here is my evidence.
First of all, there is no documentation or pictures that would positively Define him as a communist if that's what you're looking for there is no Communist party sign or anything like that. But his history and his acts to show that he is a communist.

 First his family.
As you know his father was a communist. His mother married to 2 communists, So it follows that she was a communist sympathizer. One of the two communists she married was in Indonesian when Suharno was massacring thousands of communist rebels. You can imagine how his mother and set father a communist explained the situation of the uprising. Obviously being pro-communist.

When is first father left them in Hawaii and went back to Africa his grandfather a pot-smoking Lefty from The Plains of Kansas was hanging around and smoking reefer with what became

Barack Obama's mentor or as Barack Obama calls him in his first book my second father. Barack Obama's second father was none other than Frank Marshall Davis one of the Premier Communist in the United States a famous man in his circles monitored by the FBI.

The FBI at one time thought he had a direct line to the Kremlin. At the time that Barack knew him

Frank Marshall Davis was head of the Communist Party in Hawaii. A famous communist and the leader of the Communist Party in Hawaii with a possible direct line( at one time) to the Kremlin.

Imagine that your father was a communist and your mother was a communist, and your stepfather was a communist and your second father self-described as his your Mentor in life the person who taught you the ways of life was a famous communist.

It would almost be impossible for Barack Obama not to be a communist.
His associates are the bunch of Communists as well. The most famous is Bill Ayers, Bill Ayers is the fellow that bombed the Pentagon back in the 60s. He is a friend of Obama's to this day Bill Ayers is still a communist and teaches at the University of Chicago.

Bill Ayers once said it would take the death of 35 million patriotic Americans to make America communist.
When Barack Obama announced for the presidency, he did it in Bill Ayers living room.
That is a pretty substantial statement announcing your presidency from the living room of a famous communist.

Another associate and mentor of his was Derek Bell who is the architect and inventor of structural racism also an ardent communist.

Another associate of his and another mentor in Barracks early days was Vernon Jarrett famous communist. He was a prominent communist journalist, and radio talk show host ran the "Communist Party USA" radio program and the father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett who was Obama senior presidential advisor.

He helps Carol Moseley Braun A1 her seat she had close ties to the Communist and Obama took over the seat when she retired.
That's just some of his communist associations.

Obama has, of course, closed the college records that he did go to Columbia University which is famous for the Frankfurt School which is a school of Communism that existed here in the United States in  Columbia  University. Well, he was there-there were two teachers Cloward and Pinner, if I remember correctly that taught that the way to destroy The United States was too be overwhelmed by overloading our systems. Which will I get into later on actions?

Obama also studied in Chicago as a community organizer in the Communist Saul Alinsky's method one of his techniques is to make the people you are trying to destroy live up to their own rules.

As president wanted to fundamentally change America, and he meant it fundamentally we are a capitalist democracy the fundamental change would make us a socialist dictatorship.

As president, he hired Van Jones, a known communist, and Ben Jones was forced out after that came known early in Obama's presidency  I think he is now on CNN, but I may be wrong about that.  Obama's senior presidential advisor is Valerie Jarrett whose father-in-law help teach and mentor Barack Obama in his community organizing.

Valerie Jarrett entire family is a tree of communists if you have had ever checked it out.( I have a copy if you want one.)

Barack Obama Appointed the head of the CIA Brennan who had voted for the Communist Party a few years(1976) before he was appointed. Right there you have three appointments will either communist or from a communist background.

 What were some of his actions while President well one you borrowed 700 billion for the Tarp Project that did no appreciable Good would cost of the money being funneled to his rich friends like the Rothschilds the Rockefellers. Remember that deal we were going to make solar panels in California for $2 more than the Chinese of course with that couldn't make it the golden parachutes will for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and the Kennedys.

How about that? Barak sure cares about the poor black folk don't you think. Many of his communist actions are the same methods Cloward and Penner Todd at the

The University of Columbia. Overwhelm systems is the point. How did he do that?

First, he restricted our military and micromanaged them so they could not win, and got more soldiers killed and money spent than Bush and Trump combined.

Increase regulations more than any other president has before him which strangled our financial and business communities and crippled the American economy.

Trumps cutting of regulation and the resultant increase in prosperity is evidence I am correct.

He overwhelmed our military by shrinking their budgets and increasing their responsibilities while at the same time putting extreme wear and tear on both men and material. The reduction in the budget does not allow the military to replace men equipment and training.
You can see the threat of communist countries Korea China and Russia are becoming bolder now there is a reason for that. concerning

Concerning gun-grabbing, Barack Obama mounted the biggest challenge in two decade... announced a sweeping set of proposals to ban automatic weapons, limit magazines to 10 bullets, introduce universal background checks for all firearms buyers and increase scrutiny of mental health patients.

Obama 's administration is responsible for Operation Fast and Furious. That resulted in the death of several hundred Mexicans and a Border Agent. The accusation is that it was done intentionally to bolster his anti-gun efforts at the gun-grabbing effort. The Communists the disarming Americans would take away their ability

Has intentional caused racial in minority dissension by his actions.

I can go on and on but there's already way too long so if your dad is a Commie, your mom is a Commie, your stepdad is a  Commie, and your second father and Mentor is a famous Commie, your Mentor in college was a Commie, your best friend  is another famous Commie, if your Mentor in business was a Commie,  your Senior Advisor is tied and raised

by Commies, the Head of the CIA, Brenner had voted for Commies  Van Jones his Green Energy Czar Was one of the founders of STORM, a Marxist-Leninist group whose hero was Chinese Communist dictator Mao Tse Tung. Who killed 60 million trying to make Communism work.
Yikes! That's a lot of Commies
Birds of feather flock together. Obama sounds like the head Cherry tree in the Cherry Orchard.

Then look at his actions to cripple the US  deliberately make it more difficult for military to defend us, mess up the economy the only president to have only 2% growth for 8 years), double the national debt he hurt our credit rating, so it's more expensive and harder for us to borrow money to spend money on the war for 8 years that Trump ended in a year.

So like I say, yeah, we have no Card that he signed but if everybody in your life is a communist including family, friends, Educators, and mentors who you teach and groom you. Then how you act like a communist then in my book.

Barack Obama is a communist.

If you don't think he's not a communist, why don't you tell me why?

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