Sunday, November 27, 2022

U. S. political parties operate as a business.

 U. S. political parties operate as a business.  Both wings of the business are private corporations.  U.S. political parties operate as a business.  Both wings of the business are private corporations.  The professionals inside the industry have a vested financial interest in retaining the business model.  The needs of the corporation are the priority, voters are annoying.

Having spent his career inside the industry, the Iowa GOP Chairman puts it this way:

‘Imperative’ Ronna made lots of money for the business.  Consultants, advisors, offices, polling groups, analysts, data, technicians, meetings, catering and more, take lots of money.  The corporations of the RNC and DNC exist to serve their own interests.  Politics is the RNC and DNC business; however, the income stream -the financial aspects to the business- is what holds influence over the corporate priority.

Ideology is part of the equation, but control of the business and generating revenue is the main function of the corporation. Unfortunately, in the reality of the business model, election outcomes are downstream from those two priorities.

There are two private corporations representing Republicans and Democrats; they are most commonly referred to as political parties. There is no basis for the existence of private political parties in the United States constitution.  Both parties’ function from a position as private interests outside the framework of government.

What we commonly refer to as ‘politicians’ are selected representatives to the government from each of the corporations.  What we commonly refer to as ‘primary elections’ are suggestions to each of the corporations from citizens expressing their preference for the representative.   The corporation can individually choose to accept or decline the suggestion from the voters, and the only thing that binds the corporation to follow the suggestion are the corporate rules.

Without money, the corporate mission doesn’t operate.  Without money the RNC members -essentially board members- do not function, hold meetings, assemble, or participate in the organization.

Therefore, from the standpoint of the corporation, the business of politics (inputs) drives the activitynot election results (outputs).

This facet to U.S. politics is rarely discussed because the corporations and the people who run them do not want this process emphasized.  However, if voters do not comprehend this dynamic, they can fall victim to the fallacy of false representative choice.

The corporation is made up of members.  The members make the rules.  The members have preferences and ideological outlooks about the objective of the corporation as part of their position within it.  Inside this dynamic is where you see the changing of rules to benefit the preferences of the members; ultimately influencing outcomes.

It is easier to just sit back and discuss the consequences than it is to watch the officials inside the club make rule changes proactively.  However, it is by watching the rule changes that we can see the roadmaps of influence within game as played by both RNC and DNC corporations.

Any political commentary that does not take this private club dynamic into consideration, and/or explain the consequences from decisions within the club, is not serving the interests of the American electorate.

The winter meeting of the RNC is taking place January 25-27th, in Dana Point California at the Waldorf Astoria – Monarch Beach Resort.  There are 168 members who will be in attendance (3 from every state) along with various RNC officials and national republican leadership.

Some RNC members support MAGA, some do not.  Some RNC members support the Wall Street alignment, some do not.  Some members support the populist movement, others do not.  Some RNC members support a big tent approach to a working-class coalition, other RNC members regard the working-class as beneath their representative interests.

The key point is that it’s a private club making these decisions.

A private club that may or may not care about your opinion.

Insert vote, pull lever, get pellet and pat on head.  Next?!

he professionals inside the industry have a vested financial interest in retaining the business model.  The needs of the corporation are the priority, voters are annoying.

Having spent his career inside the industry, the Iowa GOP Chairman puts it this way:

‘Imperative’ Ronna made lots of money for the business.  Consultants, advisors, offices, polling groups, analysts, data, technicians, meetings, catering and more, take lots of money.  The corporations of the RNC and DNC exist to serve their own interests.  Politics is the RNC and DNC business; however, the income stream -the financial aspects to the business- is what holds influence over the corporate priority.

Ideology is part of the equation, but control of the business and generating revenue is the main function of the corporation. Unfortunately, in the reality of the business model, election outcomes are downstream from those two priorities.

There are two private corporations representing Republicans and Democrats; they are most commonly referred to as political parties. There is no basis for the existence of private political parties in the United States constitution.  Both parties’ function from a position as private interests outside the framework of government.

What we commonly refer to as ‘politicians’ are selected representatives to the government from each of the corporations.  What we commonly refer to as ‘primary elections’ are suggestions to each of the corporations from citizens expressing their preference for the representative.   The corporation can individually choose to accept or decline the suggestion from the voters, and the only thing that binds the corporation to follow the suggestion are the corporate rules.

Without money, the corporate mission doesn’t operate.  Without money the RNC members -essentially board members- do not function, hold meetings, assemble, or participate in the organization.

Therefore, from the standpoint of the corporation, the business of politics (inputs) drives the activitynot election results (outputs).

This facet to U.S. politics is rarely discussed because the corporations and the people who run them do not want this process emphasized.  However, if voters do not comprehend this dynamic, they can fall victim to the fallacy of false representative choice.

The corporation is made up of members.  The members make the rules.  The members have preferences and ideological outlooks about the objective of the corporation as part of their position within it.  Inside this dynamic is where you see the changing of rules to benefit the preferences of the members; ultimately influencing outcomes.

It is easier to just sit back and discuss the consequences than it is to watch the officials inside the club make rule changes proactively.  However, it is by watching the rule changes that we can see the roadmaps of influence within game as played by both RNC and DNC corporations.

Any political commentary that does not take this private club dynamic into consideration, and/or explain the consequences from decisions within the club, is not serving the interests of the American electorate.

The winter meeting of the RNC is taking place January 25-27th, in Dana Point California at the Waldorf Astoria – Monarch Beach Resort.  There are 168 members who will be in attendance (3 from every state) along with various RNC officials and national republican leadership.

Some RNC members support MAGA, some do not.  Some RNC members support the Wall Street alignment, some do not.  Some members support the populist movement, others do not.  Some RNC members support a big tent approach to a working-class coalition, other RNC members regard the working-class as beneath their representative interests.

The key point is that it’s a private club making these decisions.

A private club that may or may not care about your opinion.

Insert vote, pull lever, get pellet and pat on head.  Next?!

Thursday, November 10, 2022

A Look Back From 1984 From 2022

 George Orwell coined the term doublethink (as part of the fictional language of Newspeak) in his 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four

We have come nearly forty years since 1984 and it could be more accurately seen as the state of the world. as opposed to Orwell's fiction. If he were writing it over.

 In the novel, its origins within the citizenry was communist and totalitarian starting in the 1930's; while it was a product of formal brainwashing programs and Cultural Marxist social conditioning. 

The novel explicitly shows people learning doublethink and Newspeak due to peer pressure and a desire to "fit in," or gain status within the Party of "Wokeism" —to be seen as a loyal Woke Party Member. In the novel, for someone to even recognize—let alone mention—any contradiction within the context of the Party line is akin to blasphemy, and could subject that person to disciplinary action and the instant social disapproval of fellow Party Members. Often known as cancelling.

Like many aspects of the dystopian societies reflected in Orwell's writings, Orwell considered doublethink to be a feature of SovietBiden-style totalitarianism.[3]

Christian Nationalist

 State Collectivism atheism has again reared its ugly head, call it Communism, Socialism. Social Democracy or co-opted American Democrats. It is all about power being centralized in the core of the government and separating individual Americans into competing groups carrying out politics with GOD always in mind. We must lift up our end. Our job as Christians is in regaining our country.

Christians to fill local school boards, county boards, and state and federal offices. Many states have ballot initiatives, and citizens can directly change a law. Down to the county level in some states. Promote & support candidates. God has blessed us, now it's time to give back.

s snarling and hating one another rather than a United America and stealing our freedom and individual power, our power to associate, protest peacefully, and even how or if we can communicate.

We now live in tyranny with political prisoners, the government pulling opposition politicians out of bed, by jackbooted thugs in the middle of the night, We now have rigged elections, the government coercing social media into stopping free speech the politicization of federal agencies like the DOJ and EPA, etc.

The Lord will always pick up His end of the log. We must lift our end and we haven't been doing that. God gave us the power to take this land and manage it in his name (all land eventually reverts to God) his land to be guided by Christian framework and morality. Not other cultural and religious cultures.

America has grown into the freest, most charitable, and most welcoming country in the history of the world because of that moral framework. That Judeo-Christian structure has the sustainability of 3000 years of civilization.

Our churches must become the framework and structure of that America once more, as it was in the beginning.

 Our churches must become the basis of our culture & politics once again. The Constitution forbids the establishment of a state religion. Other than that Christians have free reign and should do so while we have a somewhat conservative court.

Churches are full of patriots and good Christians as a basis for organizations. Carrying out politics with GOD always in mind. We must lift up our end. Our job as Christians is in regaining our country. Christians and their churches need to fill local school boards, county boards, and state and federal offices. Many states have ballot initiatives, and citizens can directly change a law. Down to the county level in some states. Promote & support candidates. God has blessed us, now it's time to give back.

We owe it to GOD for giving us this wonderful motherland and we should keep it in His name it is the only thing that will save our country. Our laws must always be secular our culture must be aggressively Christian. I am a Christian Nationalist and MAGA. God, Family, and Country.

Only GOD will save us and only if we pick up our end of the log.

It’s Not Cognitive Dissonance. It’s Doublethink.


It’s Not Cognitive Dissonance. It’s Doublethink.

Cognitive dissonance is when people feel discomfort due to discrepancies in their own thoughts or beliefs. As an example, someone who takes pride in being honest, feels such discomfort when he tells a lie.

Another example of cognitive dissonance is the discomfort felt by members of a cult when they seek to explain how the end of the world was postponed, as their apocalyptic prophecy did not come true. The term was in fact coined by psychologist Leon Festinger in his studies of such cults in the 1950s.

The opposite of cognitive dissonance is doublethink, a word that first appeared in George Orwell’s 1984. Doublethink is the ability to accept two contradictory beliefs at the same time, while being totally unaware of the contradiction. In Orwell’s own words:

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.

This morning I saw an excellent example of this on someone’s Facebook wall (translated by FB from the Icelandic, so not perfect):

Tertullian, one of the church fathers, born in the late second century, made the following observation regarding the birth, death and resurrection of Christ:

Natus est Dei Filius, non pudet, quia pudendum est;

et mortuus est Dei Filius, prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est;

et sepultus resurrexit, certum est, quia impossibile.

In English:

“The Son of God was born: there is no shame, because it is shameful.

And the Son of God died: it is wholly credible, because it is unsound.

And, buried, He rose again: it is certain, because it is impossible.”

Here, the contradiction is religious; only God can contradict himself, the absurd is allowed only to God; we mere mortals are bound by the rules of nature and the rules of logic. The only exemption is that through profound religious experience we can transcend the rules of logic and believe the absurd, hence “It is certain, because it is impossible.”

Does doublethink have a religious dimension then? Has the person who believes two contradictory statements at the same time in some way transcended reason, and entered into a religious dimension? Or has he simply lost his mind?

Reprinted from the author’s Substack.


Thorsteinn Siglaugsson


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What Democrats Think of Conservatives

 These people don’t believe that human life is sacred, that objective morality is real, or that conservatives and Christians are people. 

Not fully, in the sense that we actually matter, the way abortionists, illegals, violent felons, tech gurus, Yalies and celebrities have lives that matter. We’re like Neanderthals, an obsolete rival species that needs to disappear.

Black Fragility (Def.) by Mark Dice

  Discomfort and defensiveness on the part of some black people who live in a predominately White culture. Due to fixating on long gone past...