The ideology of the cultural Marxists of the hard left, taken to its extreme, ends in the gulags and in the firing squads and the death camps.
 Dennis Prager has observed, conservatives generally have not thought leftists-liberals to be bad people but merely misinformed ones - whereas leftists believe that conservatives are not only wrong, but irredeemably evil.
- They are organized, for one thing - whereas those in the freedom movement generally are not.
- They are well-funded, whereas the freedom movement is not.
- They have a bias towards action, whereas the presumed "silent majority" in the freedom movement haven't even made it off of the couch yet.
- They are relentless in their pressure, give no quarter and fight to win. Their opposite numbers not so much.
- The left plays the long game and has the patience to implement their agenda piecemeal, in incremental fashion over time. The "Long March" of cultural leftism through America's institutions isn't just a figure of speech; it really happened. Many conservatives vision of the future makes it as far as the next quarterly earnings statement - and no further.
- Willingness to discard the rules, and write their own. The nice folks in the freedom movement, on the other hand, are still looking for their Marquis of Queensbury rules for a fair fight, and trying to figure out why they are (still) getting the cr*p beaten out of them in terms of advancing their agenda, or for that matter, down on the street and in the gutter where the fists are flying.
- They are bold, and unafraid to stand for something. Many folks in the freedom movement and conservatism generally, on the other hand, are essentially cowards - not necessarily in terms of physical bravery, but in terms of moral and intellectual courage. Afraid of giving offense, these milquetoasts toe the politically-correct line while the left wins yet another victory.
So, insofar as it might pain those in the freedom movement to do so, they should recognize what they're up against - and realize that they won't be uncorking anymore celebratory bottles of victory champagne anytime soon.
Yes, Trump's victory was a giant lift - but the resistance by the deep-state is stiffening and it is likely to be long, difficult and dirty struggle.