Friday, December 28, 2018

Border-Trump and the Global Elite

Let's jump a notch in our overview. Neither party wants secure closed borders. You don't fight over something for 40 years and not get it done. 
Why do you think that Mitch McConnel doesn't use the nuclear option and vote the "Friendship Fence" into law? There is no reason you need 60 votes anymore; Harry Reid changed that rule in the Obama Admin. All Speaker of the House has to do for it is declaring it. The Republicans don't want it either. It's obvious.

Why? Because of the rise of technology a global economy has developed. Transportation, communication, technology and the emergence of the post-industrial revolution has dramatically changed international trade. It would be enhanced further if there were no borders, separate cultures, and language.

There has risen the global elitist mindset that the Global Elites want to go past economies and have an (ideally) One World Government where the people have no national allegiances. Picture a gigantic worldwide EU. It has been the goal of European Socialists since before Hitler.

How these elites profit is by made breaking down the nation-state and selling the assets to global corporations that are set up to take advantage of the situation, and these are in turn owned by the elites.
The politicians serve the multinationals, and they receive kickbacks in donations to secure politicians in their position. Sweet deal but the people are left out.

To break down cultures the Globalist elite encourage mass migrations as in Europe and Latin America. The working man hasn't got a raise in 15-20 years American workforce is being undercut. Employers can abuse and cheat them, and they can't complain, and it keeps the price of labor cheap here and abroad.

If the vast majority of both parties weren't the same, then it would be insane for Republicans to allow the border to be open because the uneducated, needy, low skilled illegals will always vote for more goodies from the government. They don't care about America. It's not their culture

This is why the global elite in Washington Establishment hates Trump. He's crashing these global compacts that don't benefit America. Nafta, Paris Climate Agreement, the Trans-Pacific Accord, etc and making better deals for America. He understands what's behind the immigration invasions.

He is destroying the big plan. I was hollering about the Bilderbergers when people laughed and said there was no such thing. Now it's common knowledge. This has been going on a very long time. So that's my answer. It's not Democrats and Republican so much as it is the Global Elite and the People's Populism

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