Monday, August 30, 2021

Bidens deliberate plan

 Of course we do. Wasn't that the plan all along? That sort of catastrophic failure was not done unintentionally. It had to be deliberate.

You cannot blame that on senility or even insanity. That was an insane decision.

Others around him would have stopped an insane order.

We keep asking ,"how could they have planned it that way' The way they did it as intentionally. The why is that the war had to go on. The military/industrial complex is the PRIME cash cow of the political class and the elite.

And Here we had Donald Trump stopping wars was killing the cash cow. A very profitable 20+year cash cow. Trump had to begotten rid of.

So the shaky possibly stolen election by the people who live luxuriously in that cash filled cow.

Afghanistan already being completely stocked of weapons and equipment was a slowing soft market. Mostly replacing things already there.

So the plan was hatched ?? Pull out in the middle of the night. Leaving the Americans and friendlies behind make a poor attempt of getting them out.

When the atrocities begin and Americans see it on the nightly news. They will get worked up and we'll have to go back in "the public demands". Thousand of working class kids will go and die so Biden and his friends can make more money.

Meanwhile the military/industrial complex will have to develop and manufacture expensive new generation of weapons and equipment to replace the weapons we left behind.

The cash cow will be up and running.

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