Monday, May 24, 2021

Americans Finally See the Truth. Biden's Not the Rightful President. (Judges)

 Americans finally see the truth. They now understand what happened in those 60 cases involving voter fraud in the 2020 election. Trump and Republicans didn't lose those 60 cases. That's clearly a lie. That's Soviet communist-level propaganda.

The American people now understand those judges were intimidated. Trump obviously never lost a single voter fraud case. He didn't strike out. Trump never got to the plate. He never took a swing. The Supreme Court never looked at a case.

You've heard of jury nullification. This was simply a case of Trump nullification.

Many of those 60 judges hated Trump's guts and suffered from Trump Derangement Syndrome. But more importantly, the judges feared for their lives and careers.

No judges were willing to risk ruining their lives by overturning the election. No judges were willing to risk assassination or a crazy Democratic mob. No judges were willing to risk their homes being burned to the ground. No judges were willing to risk their spouse being fired and never finding a job ever again. No judges were willing to risk their children being beaten and brutalized at school. No judges were willing to watch their name forever destroyed by cancel culture.

Most Americans now understand the election was stolen and the courts never ruled against the merits of the case -- that this was simply a case of Trump nullification.

We know Biden's not the rightful president.

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