Friday, May 7, 2021

Over 3000 white farmers have been murdered since 1994 That's genocide.

Uppity White Man
 @SpearOf Juda  Over 3000 white farmers have been murdered since 1994 That's genocide. -The South African police have not made_investigations and prosecution of these farm murders a priority, dismissing them as crimes by common criminals. The government has disbanded the commando units of white farmers that once protected their farms and has passed laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons. *Let me enlighten you on who owns the land. It's the power of a strong right arm*. *The land belongs to God*. We are just fighting in the meantime. It's not the backward indigenous people, stuck in the stone age, or the Americans in America or the Russians in Russia. It's they who hold power. We all come and go, men, nations, even oceans, and mountains. A recent outbreak of violent farm invasions has led to casualties among white South Africans. The farm invasions are direct results of calls by Julius Malema and his Deputy, Ronald Lamola, for whites to give up their land without compensation or face violence by angry black youths “flooding their farms. Why would they fail? Because white people still create most of the wealth. Blacks could not do it. If S. Africa hates white farmers, why don't they deport them if they want their land back? WHY? when Mugabe threw out the white farmers of Zimbabwe, It went from the breadbasket of Africa to absolute starvation. After working with white farmers to grow crops for generations, they couldn't do it without white supervision. That's why. Does it ever strike you that almost all the rich nations are white? There is a reason. It isn't race; East Asians make more money and are higher educated than whites. What's your excuse why Africa as a whole has always been on the bottom of civilization. If you think it's the white man holding you down_all over the world and has been doing it for centuries, how can you call yourself equal in ability?
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